Siri Shortcuts Developer Releases 150 Free Shortcuts
Matthew Cassinelli, an original developer of Shortcuts, has released a huge collection of over 150 presets read for you to download in CSV format.

The Shortcuts app in iOS 13.1 has seen some significant improvements. However, it's still true that it can be a little tricky for us “regular folk” to get to grips with how it operates.
So it's unsurprising that many users don't move beyond downloading the shortcuts provided by Apple in the Shortcuts Gallery. This is a shame, as the real power behind Shortcuts lies in building custom actions to get the most out of an iOS device.
Step forward, Matthew Cassinelli, an original developer of Workflow (the app's name before Apple purchased it).
He has released a massive collection of over 150 shortcuts for you to download in CSV format.
He's helpfully given each shortcut a description and explanation of how to use it.
According to his website, his mission is to;
…share my personal experiences of using Shortcuts in my daily life and to get my work done, explained in such a way that anyone can follow along and apply it to their life too.
With Shortcuts now part of default iOS 13.1 installations, millions more users will discover the app and look for ways to use it.
As more third-party app developers adopt the Siri Shortcuts APIs, any functionality built into an app can be an action in a shortcut.
It's just the beginning, but Shortcuts has the potential to be a beneficial addition to iOS.
You can download the shortcuts here.